Monday, December 5, 2011


I haven't been very good about blogging lately. Even my Wednesday Romances have been sporadic at best. I appreciate all of you who diligently seek me out anyway, despite my slacking ways.

It has been a rough second half of the year for me. My husband and I moved my family back to Wyoming, which we have really enjoyed! We are living with my in-laws while we are building our house and will probably be here until May (since things didn't go so smoothly, and we haven't started yet.) It's stressful at times, but not horrid, and we are making it work.

I also started working full time, which minimized my writing. Since then I got a part time position as a personal banker at a local bank. I have absolutely LOVED it!! I get to take my kids to school and pick them up and be home with them all evening! It's been great! I have been struggling to find time to fit in all my writing, but I'm slowly making it work.

This last month I have started submitting Sweet Ivy again. It has gone through some massive rewrites and I'm hoping things will go well for it this time around!

I am currently working on a couple fantasy stories, along with thinking about writing a sequel to Sweet Ivy and finishing the sequel to The Tiger, Unleashed. I've also been thinking about rewriting A Cold Heart and submitting it to publishers, but I'm still thinking about what to do there.

Amid everything, I have been doing lots of reading. I find that reading something I enjoy really helps my writing and helps my imagination run wild. Sometimes if I am stuck in my writing, I read a good book, and I can usually get back up and writing. So, now since I've had a lengthy reading vacation, perhaps I can make everything work out in my stories too! At least I can hope!

I hope everyone everyone is gearing up for the Christmas holiday! This is my favorite time of year!! I can't promise any new books between now and then, although I may have my new Wednesday Romance available for sale soon. I'll keep you posted on that. Before I can publish it, I really need to come up with a title! If you've been reading along, I'm open for suggestions.

Happy reading!

1 comment:

Dean said...

Glad things are going well. Looks like you and I are the only ones that blog any more. But I enjoy reading them. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!