Saturday, July 3, 2010

Heather Justesen

Today, I am spotlighting Heather Justesen!

Heather lives with herhusband, two dogs, two cats, four geese, a bunch of ducks, a slew of chickens, two turkeys, four guineas and two fish in the small town where she grew up. She works as a volunteer EMT with the local ambulance, edit for hire, and squeeze in time for her writing in around the edges of her day. She rarely turns on the television or radio, and if she took a test on pop culture, she would flunk, but there are worlds in her head just fighting to get out, so she writes. Her first book, "The Ball's in Her Court" was released last fall! To learn more about Heather, visit her web site,
Her new book is REBOUND!

Lily's life is perfect--a perfect lie. With a successful husband, a gorgeous home, and a growing family, Lily Drake has it all. But when the FBI shows up, she realizes her husband is not the man she thought he was.

Meanwhile, Lily's friend Curtis is about to be drafted by the NBA, but he suddenly feels pulled to find his birth family, and no one is prepared for what he'll discover. With so many obstacles in their way, Lily and Curtis must learn to rely on each other if they're ever going to find peace and learn to love again.

In this heartwarming family drama, Heather Justesen, author of The Ball's in Her Court, weaves a stirring story of hope. Reunite with your favorite characters and discover how determination, love, and faith can overcome even the toughest trials.

1 comment:

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Nice job! I read Heather's book. A gread story about starting over.

BTW: Stop by my blog. I have an award for you. :)