Anyway, my current desk is always a mess. (Obviously) Perhaps because it's so small! Even when I organize it or clean it off, it's messy again within a day. Part of my problem is that every time I sit down, I set my book next to me, and sometimes I'm using a dictionary or thesaurus. Sometimes I need my notes or research or whatever. There are other times that my family just piles things on my desk because they know I'll see it. Apparently, the creative mind can't be clean too! :)
So what do you have on your desk? Drop me a line and let me know! I LOVE office talk and office supplies!! What is your favorite office supply?
My desk is a mess and is next to my sewing machine so it's filled with fabric bits and pins. I write on my laptop wherever I feel like sitting. Generally somewhere cleaner than my desk.
LOL! I know the feeling, Jolene. I have been known to do that too!! For a long time I sat at the kitchen table!
I keep my desk pretty clean because it makes me crazy and I don't get anything done. My whole house can be a mess but not my desk.
That's funny, Olivia!! I have things like that too! I can't have clothes out of the laundry basket. That drives me nuts!! :)
I love Post-it notes with a passion.
You won't believe this, but I have four desks. The first is a 2 x 4 foot table I keep in my warm bedroom during winter. I set it up daily, and then put it away when I'm finished. The second is my daughter's architecture table, but it's heaped in clothes right now. The third is a 2 1/2 x 8 foot table in my tutoring studio that's always clean for students. The fourth desk is currently stacked to the ceiling with food storage and books. I actually like your desk because it's your writing home!
Me too, Valerie!! They come in so many colors and shapes now, that makes them all the more fun! I LOVE paper clips and magnets too!! :)
Four desks?!?! WOW!!! I have a long table that I have for my sewing stuff and a small desk from school that I keep all sorts of things on. But I only count the one with my computer. :) But it's fun to learn about what other people like too! I'll have to have a bigger house, I'm afraid, in order to squeeze in another desk or two! :)
hey Rach, your desk puts my dirty little one to shame. mine is always so filthy never doing what i want it to do. i think i could handle two at a time but im not sure? hace you tried that?
I do have another desk, but it sits there and collects piles of stuff. I also have a sewing table next to that that collects sewing projects. I think, I would ultimately like one of those wrap around desks with drawers and such! That would be FUN!
Hello Rach, I was wondering how do you keep your knickknacks in order?
I always get so flustered when they rage out of control.
I'm ashamed of my inability to handle my own mammoth mess, but I don’t want to overextended the stiff desk any longer.
How do I ease into the process of relieving my distressed slab?
What is your secret to keeping your wood happy?
Okay, I'll answer the questions I can first. My wood is VERY grumpy! :) I hate dusting, and have noticed that when I keep the surface covered with stuff, it gets less dusty! :) Problem solved! LOL! Occasionally I think I just use Pledge and a soft cloth.
As for knickknacks, I don't keep them on my desk because they get in my way. All knickknacks I keep on shelves, too high for my children to reach and play with, hense, they never get out of order.
As for the organizing part, start small. I can't afford to buy tons of things all at once, so start with simple things; a pencil holder, a small container for odd things, then work your way up gradually to shelves or drawers or filing cabinets. In the mean time, keep things as neat as you can for you with the space you have. I keep my door closed sometimes so my kids stay out of my stuff. (They think it's terrible!)
Hope some of that helps! :)
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